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The filtration products made by Futai are increasingly widely used in various industries due to high quality at an economical price and excellent after-sales service. Currently, our products are mainly applied in the following industries:
  • Nuclear Energy Industry

    Nuclear Energy Industry

    In the nuclear energy industry, they are used in radioactive wastewater, air, exhaust gas, and fluid media to effectively reduce the emission of radioactive materials, ensure the safety of personnel and the environment, and improve man...
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  • Automotive Industry

    Automotive Industry

    In the automotive industry, they can be used to process engine air, cabin air, and fuel to remove pollutants, ensure efficient and stable operation of the car, and ensure the health and safety of the driver and passenger.
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  • New Energy Industry

    New Energy Industry

    In the new energy industry, they can be applied to battery materials, fuel cells, photovoltaic materials, wind turbine generators, etc. Filtering products can remove pollutants, ensure the quality and environmental performance of energ...
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  • Machinery Manufacturing Industry

    Machinery Manufacturing Industry

    In the machinery manufacturing industry, it is mainly used in the following aspects: √ Hydraulic system: The hydraulic system is often used in mechanical equipment for power transmission and control, and the oil in the hydraulic system is often poll...
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